Rules package updated

We have uploaded the latest rule package to the website. please go to the 2024 Rules page to read up on the changes.

Below has been added to the Engine section on the package.

Only 1 carburetor or throttle body spacer allowed. Carburetor spacer MUST be centered on intake manifold and MUST NOT be tapered or beveled. A one piece paper gasket maximum .065-inch thickness that matches the exterior dimensions of the carburetor throttle plate must be installed between the carburetor and spacer. A one piece paper gasket maximum .065-inch thickness must be installed between intake manifold and spacer. Carburetor adapter height limited to 1.125  inches (MAXIMUM thickness with gaskets is 1.255 inches). No funneling devices or devices designed to get more air into the intake will be permitted. Throttle body spacer MUST BE No thicker than 1.25 inches measured with gaskets.

Please make sure you are following the rules. We hate to have to DQ someone for not following the rules.

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